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We want to acknowledge the volunteers, individual donors, and corporate donors who support our mission.

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We rely on the support of individuals and businesses to fulfill our mission of making sure no parent of a preemie goes through the journey alone. As word spreads, the number of requests for care packages continues to grow, and we are creating new initiatives to reach more parents all the time.

Your tax-deductible gift means so much. Not only to us, but also to the thousands of parents of preemies we help each year.

Ways of Geting involved and how you can support us.

SODAC Africa has six priority projects. By supporting these projects, you will know exactly where your money is going and we’ll keep you updated on the project’s progress with reports, messages and photographs. For more information, contact FRED KABOGOZA on +256 773 579298


Our tagline at SODAC, is “off the streets and on their feet.” Our goal is to provide street children and vulnerable children with rehabilitation, support and resettlement services. Right now our activities are primarily in Kampala, Uganda. We have a home and center where children from all over the slums come and participate in our activities and have a chance to enjoy life as a child. Our activities include Educating them, giving the shelter, teaching them how to sing dance, acrobatics and other activities that  we can participate in as a family and across African Countries. Currently there are 16 boys who live and sleep in the home.


There are more than 50 other children who come from the streets and slums that we help. These are children who lives on the streets with no one to take care of them and with no one to cater for his/her welfare, such children are abandoned, rejected and neglected and society considers him/her as a detriment to the community or dangerous to society. Such children might be victims of war, natural disaster, domestic violence, parents died of HIV/AIDS or absolute poverty in the family.

SODAC is deeply concerned with the increasing number of street children and our primary objective is to instill happiness and hope to vulnerable and street children.


Click the link below and download the membership Form.

Download the membership form below if you would like to become a member of Save Orphans and Disaled African Children (SODAC). Through downloading this form, you will print it out and fill it then you send back the scanned copies of the form signed and with a passport Photo.


Shop Now

When you buy one T-Shirt, a child is paid for school fees and given access to basic home needs Buy now or click the donation button to donate for these kids.

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